After I got Bonzai I did a search on the internet to see if there were any dog clubs in Bakersfield that I could join since I had heard about different dog breed groups in Fresno. Well I found one, so myself and Bonzai are apart of a Pug Group in Bakersfield!!! Laugh if you would like I know that it sounds kinda crazy but I thought that it would be a great way to meet people and to also find out about all the good dog spots (vets, groomers, kennels, etc). Bonzai and I have lived in Bako less than a month and already he has been to a meetup at the small dog park (where he was surrounded by 24 other pugs) and a pug pool party!!! He is by far the smallest and youngest at this point!! All the pugs are so cute, kinda plump and their owners couldn't have been any nicer!!

Bonzai isn't that good at doing the doggie paddle yet, but he likes taking over the raft!

And when he's over the pool, he's over it!!
I took a few road trips over the last few weeks the first one being down south to spend time with my old roommate and to go to Disneyland for free on my birthday!! Then I just went this last weekend to camp on the beach in Pismo with some friends to celebrate a friend's birthday. Not to mention the 3 hour drives I have done to go home for things that got left behind in the move. I have had to do some paperwork, drug tests, and other stuff to prepare for my internship which luckily starts Monday woohoo!! I'm so excited to start working because I have been extremely lazy lately and unproductive. I'm definitely a schedule type of person and prefer to be on a schedule most of the time otherwise I just keep putting things off. Other than that I am enjoying life in Bako so far and eager to start work and get a paycheck!!