Tuesday, April 1, 2008

I'm the worst blogger ever!

So clearly I was completely lazy during the month of March because there was plenty to write about such as the Pub Crawl and Easter but I decided hey let's just wait til April to post again and then write an epic blog. Brief review of March, basically St. Patty's is one of the best holidays to celebrate and every year Megan and I head up to Sac to celebrate with the 5 Hundy Crew for the ultimate pub crawl. It started at 2pm and you drink a beer per bar, so how I ended up wasted and puking outside of Hard Rock at 10pm is just ridiculous to me! Needless to say I did not make it to the end but I still did 18 out of 21 not too bad! Now on to the super early Easter this year. Well, this was the first time I spent a holiday completely with Vinny and his family. Craziness!! We went up to Auberry to have lunch with his dad's side and then back to Fresno for dinner at his mom's. It actually turned out to be a nice Easter even though I felt bad for not going home. I also made dessert for Easter at his mom's house and everybody enjoyed it so that was good. I guess I'm a keeper!! Or at least I like to tell myself that! Over the weekend I traveled with Vinny and his family down south to San Dimas (which I had never heard of before) for 3-days of cycling. I had a good time, I was able to finish 2 books while Vinny was racing so I felt pretty productive. Vinny's grandpa provided the entertainment, he's one of the funniest people I've met with his blunt one liners. Now after spending a day back home at my dad's I'm back in Fresno at work for 2 days then off to Disneyland for a conference. My spring break started yesterday so clearly working just for the few hours a day I do work absolutely sucks, and pretty much I'm gonna need another spring break just to recover from all my traveling within a two week period. Well, that's pretty much everything that's going down in my life right now. I'm just counting down the days till I'm done at the drug rehab and on to my next clientale of menaces to society!!

1 comment:

Brianne said...

Jenn! Seriously...you need to blog! Hehe...I love that your last blog was about what a terrible blogger you are and then you haven't blogged in like 4 months! Sorry its been so long since I've been to book club. I have had no time to read much other than work stuff. no fun!