Sunday, January 13, 2008

I want to be a blogger too!

As I was reading other people's blog I was thinking to myself "this is so neat" so needless to say I've decided to start my own. At first I was thinking what could I possibly right about on a blog. I mean my life at times seems pretty boring, basically consisting of grad school and practicum (work that I do not get paid for). But then when I really thought about it I actually have a really fun and entertaining life for the most part. Grad school alone is a non-stop rollercoaster that I am so ready to be off but I only have a little bit longer to go. Practicum is unbelievable because of all the different people I meet on a daily basis. Then there are all the fun times with my friends and wildness that goes on there. Crazyness with Megan within the walls of our apartment and sometimes we even it talk it publicly so beware! And of course time with Vinny is always interesting! At this moment right now I am watching the playoff game Giants vs. Cowboys with Megan, Mark and Vinny, clearly I am rooting for the Giants because I cannot stand the Cowboys. And since the Colts lost this morning I am really hoping one of the teams I picked will win today!! Well this is the start of my blog and I'm sure there will be tons more because I tend to be a talker so I am sure there will be plenty of random thoughts to share.


Vincenzo said...

Wow that's a hot picture will you go on a date with me?

Brianne said...

Love the blog....I don't think your cool unless you blog! Hehe.